iTSTL Blog

iTSTL has been serving the Missouri area since 2015, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Green Initiatives Can Carry More Value Than You Think

Green Initiatives Can Carry More Value Than You Think

Being a green business is a great thing. It not only helps your company become more environmentally friendly, but it can also attract customers who care about the environment. What’s less talked about is how being green can actually give your business a competitive edge in certain situations.

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Downtime is an Obstacle You Need to Avoid

Downtime is an Obstacle You Need to Avoid

Downtime is easily one of the most prolific reasons small businesses take in less money than they otherwise could, making it an existential threat to many if a certain threshold is met. Making a bad situation worse, there is no shortage of reasons a business may experience downtime. Let’s examine some of these causes to better understand how to minimize this universal issue.

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Sometimes Quitting is the Answer

Sometimes Quitting is the Answer

"Quit." The q-word is often seen as one of the worst four-letter words in business. However, there are times when quitting can actually benefit your operations.

Imagine you have a project consuming all your resources with no real returns. What should you do?

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Think Twice About Sending that Meme

Think Twice About Sending that Meme

Data fuels business, but we also share a large amount of data even in our personal lives. Even the most benign communications, like chats, requests to stop by the store on your way home, and even memes or pet pictures, are considered data—and where there’s data, there’s a place where it’s stored.

Today’s question: do you know where your data is being stored? And do you know the impact of that storage?

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Data Analytics and AI Work Well Together

Data Analytics and AI Work Well Together

Making decisions is a big part of running a business, but relying solely on gut feelings can sometimes backfire. Back-end analysis allows business owners to gain insights they might not have considered. This can lead to more money through better sales, customer relationships, and efficiency. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how AI enhances business intelligence.

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Technology is the Long-Term Fix for Operational Inefficiencies

Technology is the Long-Term Fix for Operational Inefficiencies

For modern businesses, staying as efficient as possible is mandatory for optimal productivity. By eliminating inefficiencies, small businesses can stay competitive. One effective strategy is to streamline processes through implementing tools that fuel automation.

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Tip of the Week: Methods to Preserve Remote and Hybrid Employee Engagement

Tip of the Week: Methods to Preserve Remote and Hybrid Employee Engagement

With remote and hybrid work models becoming prominent parts of the business world, it’s time to start considering the challenges and benefits that such work can bring about for your own organization. Specifically, you want to examine how engagement is affected by these workplace models. How can you ensure employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention even while utilizing a remote or hybrid workplace model?

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How Today’s IT Can Help Your Business Operate More Sustainably

How Today’s IT Can Help Your Business Operate More Sustainably

In 1987, the United Nations defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Today, almost 40 years later, businesses have various options to help promote their own sustainability. Let’s discuss just a few options and how we can help you enact them. 

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The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The end of the year is always a great time to look back on the past and look forward to the future and what it might look like. One way you can do this is by looking to cut out some of the clutter within your organization’s network by examining how often your applications are used and which services you are subscribed to.

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How to Use Technology to Manage Business Complexity

How to Use Technology to Manage Business Complexity

Businesses are complex beasts, and there can be a lot of moving parts that need to be addressed in order for them to run effectively. Business technology can aid in this effort quite substantially. Here are four ways you can implement technology to help make managing your business easier.

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Downtime Is a Predator. Is Your Business the Prey?

Downtime Is a Predator. Is Your Business the Prey?

Downtime in a business context can be considered a "business predator" because it can have detrimental effects on a company's operations, profitability, and overall success. Downtime refers to the period during which a business' critical systems, processes, or equipment are not functioning as intended. Here are some reasons why downtime is often seen as a threat to businesses.

Financial Impact

Downtime can result in significant financial losses. When key revenue-generating systems or production processes are unavailable, businesses may lose sales, incur extra expenses, or face penalties for failing to meet contractual obligations. Downtime can also prevent a business from pursuing new opportunities or responding to market changes. In a rapidly evolving market, missing out on opportunities can have long-term consequences, and can be the difference between business growth and stagnation.

Operational Impact

Downtime leads to decreased productivity as employees cannot perform their tasks efficiently. This results in wasted time, missed deadlines, and a drop in overall output. In cases where downtime is due to data loss or system failures, it can result in the loss of critical information, which can be difficult or impossible to recover. This can have severe consequences for businesses, especially when it comes to sensitive or irreplaceable data. Frequent downtime can demoralize employees who must deal with the frustration and stress of interrupted work. Low morale can lead to higher turnover rates and decreased employee engagement.

Customer Impact

Prolonged or frequent downtime can do significant damage to a company's reputation. Customers and partners may perceive the business as unreliable, which can be challenging to overcome. Also, these unfortunate companies may find it challenging to compete effectively in markets with companies that show better reliability.

If you struggle with downtime, you can do better. If you don’t, you need to ensure that continues. The IT professionals at iTSTL can help. We can introduce you to technologies and strategies that are designed specifically to reduce downtime and improve operational efficiency. Get a professional perspective by calling (314)828-1234 today.

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How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

Business continuity is a tricky beast, and one that is best fought with proactive and preventative measures. The reason for this is simple: any situation where your business’ data is put at risk could mean the end, and we are not catastrophizing when we say that. Let’s look at two issues that are only small problems at the surface level, but could snowball into serious problems.

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10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

Service businesses, which provide intangible services rather than physical products, often require specific software to manage their operations efficiently and enhance customer service. Some of the most important software for service businesses include:

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Build Your Business with the Resources You Have at Your Disposal

Build Your Business with the Resources You Have at Your Disposal

Managing your business efficiently requires judicious allocation of limited resources, encompassing budget, time, and the capabilities of your workforce. It is paramount to ensure their effective management. Let's delve into fundamental practices that can help you optimize the resources at your business' disposal.

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Technology Can Save Your Business Considerable Capital Through Efficient Procedures

Technology Can Save Your Business Considerable Capital Through Efficient Procedures

The biggest problems that a business faces are the ones that drain your coffers and cost your business capital. Here are some technology solutions your company can implement to keep inefficiencies from costing your organization needlessly.

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Are Your Actions Contradicting Your Best Interests?

Are Your Actions Contradicting Your Best Interests?

It isn’t uncommon for businesses to engage in actions that seem to directly contradict their own best interests. This is called self-sabotage, and it can be a costly and extremely debilitating phenomenon for a business. Let’s go through some of the actions that may be holding your business back, even if you don’t realize it. 

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Inject Some Flexible Bureaucracy to Help Your Struggling Processes

Inject Some Flexible Bureaucracy to Help Your Struggling Processes

If you want your business to grow, then you’re going to have to get used to dealing with complex problems that require complex solutions. You can implement technology to make solving these challenges easier, but at the same time, you want to be careful that the solutions you implement are not going to get in the way of productivity. Today, we want to discuss good old-fashioned bureaucracy, and how while you might not want to build it into your strategy, it will probably happen anyway.

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Is Remote Work Any More Environmentally Friendly Than In-Office?

Is Remote Work Any More Environmentally Friendly Than In-Office?

It isn’t uncommon to hear about how much working from home has environmental benefits—and on its face, this claim makes a lot of sense. We did have to wonder, however, how much greener remote work really is—if at all.

Let’s go into why the question of whether remote work is the environmentally friendly option isn’t as clear-cut as you might expect.

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How to Prioritize and Focus on the Tasks At Hand

How to Prioritize and Focus on the Tasks At Hand

When you have a lot of tasks to get done, you might find yourself stressing out about the sequencing or ruminating on your circumstances. How did you let it get so bad? Why does this always happen to you? If this sounds like an everyday occurrence for your organization or your employees, we want to share three ways you can help to make things easier to manage, even when it feels like there is just too much to handle.

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Productivity Optimization Part Two - How It Can Be Measured

Productivity Optimization Part Two - How It Can Be Measured

Last week, we aimed our laser focus on productivity and how it can be defined for your organization. Now, we would like to examine how you can measure productivity for your business. Let’s discuss how you can track your productivity.

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10 Fenton PLZ Suite #1665
Fenton, Missouri 63026